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About Me

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Manchester, United Kingdom
I study graphic design HND at Salford University. -The purpose of this project is to develop my online presence. Also including a portfolio and aspirations for future work.

Friday, 26 November 2010

Joined the Flickr page for Art&Design at Salford University

Uploaded some unique pictures of Media City - Salford, from the viewing platform inside the tower of the Imperial War Museum North.

Illustration will be uploaded soon.

More mods

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Response to crit session.

As if to confirm what I already thought, and also offer further insight, the feedback I got yesterday has inspired me to view this DPS task in a different way. Grid and balance shall be my new mantra. I hope to inject some kind of background theme to my two articles as well. Music is a prominent feature of both, as Noise promote bands and is also a sound itself, and All FM are primarily a music station.

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

First sketch idea for advertisement for cycling to University.

Using the good old trusty pencil and some type. Having to do so much drawing for my animation project is making me use more tools apart from the computer. Hands up I did sketch it from a printed picture, but wanted a hand drawn feel to it.

Sketchbook work for grid layout.

Plenty of room for changes, but this basic structure has three columns of information and images. There is recognisable symmetry between the pages, but not an exact copy. I have seen some great techniques for breaking up an image with an overlaid grid of the background colour, and giving it more of an impact on the design as a whole. I will experiment with it and post the outcomes.

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Meeting went well at Noise Festival

I have submitted questions to both All FM & Noise Festival, and will hear back from them by tomorrow. The meeting at Noise Festival was very positive, and Vic (Operations manager) is happy to help promote our online magazine on the website (Link).

OK, on with the layout plan!

Monday, 15 November 2010

I have emailed questions for All FM interview.

Will also follow them up with a phone call. The station is run mostly by volunteers, so just to make sure I get some feedback and possibly a visit to the site soon.
I have moved my meeting with Noise Festival to the afternoon, as there has been an alteration of the time for our study skills workshop from 1PM to 10AM.

Angle for articles.

I have decided to theme the two articles on how students can get involved, and the successes the voluntary oragnisations have had.
Using the successes as the focus, then a short interview with the organisers. Big on visuals not too over wordy! Enough information so people will want to find out more, and also details of how people can get involved themselves. I will stick to a strong layout theme for the articles, something that gets the most impact from the words and pictures.